ULEZ Expansion in August 2023

ULEZ 2023 expansion

ULEZ Expansion in August 2023

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Navigating the Path to Cleaner and Greener Cities

In a concerted effort to combat air pollution and create a healthier urban environment, London is expanding it’s Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) in August of this year. This expansion signifies a significant step forward in the pursuit of cleaner air and reduced carbon emissions. As businesses brace themselves for the regulatory changes, it becomes crucial to understand the implications of the ULEZ expansion and how it will impact various sectors. In this article, we explore the upcoming ULEZ expansion and its implications for businesses and individuals alike.

The ULEZ Expansion

The ULEZ was initially introduced as a measure to reduce pollution caused by high-emission vehicles in designated zones. Under the expanded ULEZ, stricter emission standards will apply to a larger number of vehicles, encompassing a broader area within the city limits. This means that more vehicles will need to meet low emission requirements to enter these zones without incurring charges or penalties. The expansion aims to accelerate the transition to greener transportation and encourage the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles.

This map shows the new ULEZ boundary and the area it will cover. Current inner London ULEZ and the new London-wide ULEZ from 29 August 2023.

Implications for Businesses:

The ULEZ expansion will have a profound impact on businesses, particularly those relying on vehicle fleets for their operations. Non-compliant vehicles that fail to meet the emission standards will face hefty charges or fines, which can significantly impact a company’s finances. Moreover, non-compliance may result in operational disruptions, delays, and even reputational damage. It is, therefore, essential for businesses to be proactive and prepared for the forthcoming changes to minimize these risks.

Traffic in London city centre

Your options

Londoners receiving certain low-income or disability benefits can apply to the Mayor of London’s £110 million scrappage scheme. Eligible applicants could receive a payment to scrap their vehicle, or choose a lower payment plus one or two TfL Annual Bus & Tram passes worth more than the payment alone.

London-based sole traders, micro-businesses (10 or fewer employees) and registered charities will also be able to apply to scrap or retrofit a van or minibus.

The scheme eligibility is expanding so that even more Londoners and London-based businesses and charities can benefit (from the end of July 2023). Visit the scrappage scheme pages for more information.

To help make the switch to cleaner forms of transport, there are also exclusive ULEZ support offers for successful scrappage scheme applicants, as well as offers for all Londoners to take advantage of, whether eligible for a scrappage payment or not.

To help disabled Londoners and community transport providers prepare for the expansion, the existing ULEZ grace periods (temporary exemptions) have been extended, and new grace periods have been introduced.

The £10 annual fee to register a vehicle for Auto Pay has been removed. Auto Pay lets drivers who register their vehicles avoid the risk of forgetting to pay the daily ULEZ charge and incurring a penalty charge.

The value of ULEZ and Congestion Charge penalty charges incurred have increased from £160 to £180 (reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days).

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

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Proposed Updates to the Direct Vision Standard

Low Section Of People Riding Bicycle

Proposed Updates to the Direct Vision Standard

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Enhancing Road Safety in London with the DVS Update

Transport for London (TfL) has conceived a series of compelling plans with the proposed updates. Their intention is to establish a Progressive Safe System (PSS) that builds upon the existing 2019 Safe System. What does this signify for you, esteemed fleet operators? Commencing October 2024, HGVs entering and operating within Greater London will be required to elevate their safety measures by attaining a minimum DVS rating of three stars. This mandates that you employ the latest safety technology and equipment available. Vehicles possessing a two-star rating or below shall be compelled to adopt the PSS and provide verifiable evidence of compliance in order to acquire the necessary permit. It is time for us to embrace this paradigm shift in the pursuit of safety.

Highlights of the Proposed Updates

  • Recognition of the potential of camera systems in improving vehicle safety and eliminating blind spots.
  • Inclusion of sensor systems for trailers.
  • Activation of sensor
    systems within a range of 2m along the vehicle’s entire length, while avoiding interference from street furniture or parked vehicles.
  • Mandatory compliance with the DVS scheme (changing from “should” to “must”).
  • Requirement of Progressive Safe Systems for vehicles not meeting Safety Permit Scheme requirements.
  • Permission for camera systems to replace class four, five, and six mirrors, ensuring comprehensive coverage of blind spots.

Penalty Charges for Non-Compliance

At present, the penalty charge associated with non-compliance of the DVS scheme in Greater London stands at £550 per day, with a reduced amount of £275 if settled within a 14-day period. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that these charges will undergo an escalation in accordance with TfL’s continuous endeavours to augment safety prerequisites.

To maintain compliance and prevent the risk of penalties, it is advisable for fleet operators to partner with seasoned experts like Fleet Witness. Our team possesses the expertise to offer valuable insights on compliance matters and provide access to cutting-edge safety solutions. By staying connected with us, fleet operators can stay well-informed about evolving requirements and ensure their vehicles adhere to the requisite standards. For any inquiries or concerns, please feel free to contact us at Call Us 0203 897 3600 We are eager to assist you in any way we can.

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Enhancing Customer Retention in the Fleet Industry

Man with headset on a call with customer.

Key Strategies to Keep Your Customers Happy

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Invest in customer service

In a recent study, it was found that a staggering 89% of customers chose to switch to a competitor after encountering a negative experience. This highlights the immense importance of providing exceptional customer service as a key differentiator in retaining your valuable customer base.

Understanding new and existing customer expectations

The foundation of customer retention lies in understanding your customers’ unique needs and expectations. Regularly engaging with them through surveys, feedback forms, or personalised interactions allows you to gain valuable insights into their preferences, pain points, and desired outcomes. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your services and offerings to better meet their specific requirements, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The study also reveals that while 66% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations, an equal percentage feel like they are treated merely as numbers. This presents an opportunity for companies to bridge this gap by going beyond transactional interactions and demonstrating genuine care and understanding for each customer as an individual.

The research findings highlight a compelling shift in customer expectations, where understanding their needs and surpassing their expectations have become essential for businesses to remain competitive. Below, we added what we think are two evolving customer expectations that are reshaping the game for companies.

As customers interact with various touchpoints within a company, they now expect seamless experiences that transcend departmental boundaries. It’s no longer enough for sales, service, and marketing teams to work independently; they must collaborate and share information to ensure consistent interactions. A remarkable 76% of customers desire this connectivity, yet over half of them feel that departments often operate in silos. Breaking down these barriers is crucial to meeting customers’ expectations.

Moreover, the study reveals that 74% of customers engage with multiple channels throughout their buying journey. This omni-channel behavior necessitates that businesses provide a cohesive and integrated experience across various platforms. By recognizing and adapting to this preference, companies can forge stronger connections with their customers and create a seamless journey from start to finish.


In today’s highly personalized world, customers expect companies to tailor their offerings and communications to individual preferences. Over half of customers (52%) now anticipate offers to be personalized consistently, indicating a growing demand for customized interactions. It’s important for businesses to leverage data and technology to understand customer preferences and deliver relevant, personalized experiences.

Final Thoughts

Businesses must adapt to these changing customer expectations to stay competitive. Connecting the dots between departments, providing personalized experiences, and treating customers as valued individuals will foster stronger relationships and ultimately drive customer loyalty. By embracing these evolving expectations, companies can position themselves as customer-centric organizations that are primed for success in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Want To Learn More?

If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Making Roads Safer for All

Reduce speed road sign on a countryside road with blurry speed truck.

Making Roads Safer for All

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Enhancing Truck Driving Safety

The trucking industry plays a vital role in our economy, but it also faces significant safety challenges. It’s crucial to prioritise the well-being of truck drivers and minimise risks on the road. In this article, we will explore practical measures that can help reduce these risks and promote a culture of safety.

Lets get into it:

Leveraging advanced technologies, such as telematics systems, can greatly enhance truck driving safety. These systems monitor driver behaviour, vehicle performance, and provide real-time feedback to improve driving habits. Features like lane departure warnings, collision avoidance systems, and fatigue monitoring can alert drivers to potential risks, reducing the chances of accidents.

Driver fatigue is a significant risk factor. Implementing policies that prioritise rest periods, establish reasonable schedules, and raise awareness about fatigue is essential. Encouraging drivers to take breaks, providing comfortable rest areas, and educating them about the signs of fatigue can help mitigate this risk.

Regular vehicle maintenance and inspections are critical for ensuring the proper functioning of trucks. Following a maintenance schedule and conducting pre-trip and post-trip inspections can identify potential mechanical issues early on. Addressing these issues promptly reduces the risk of breakdowns, tire blowouts, and other road hazards.

Strong collaboration and communication between truck drivers, shippers, receivers, and other stakeholders can significantly reduce risks. Open channels of communication enable effective planning, sharing of information on road conditions, and coordinated logistics, helping to avoid time pressures that may contribute to unsafe driving behaviours.

Distracted driving remains a major concern. Educating truck drivers about the dangers of distractions, such as mobile phone use and eating while driving, is crucial.

Promoting hands-free communication systems and implementing strict policies against distracted driving can help minimise these risks.

Regular performance evaluations for truck drivers enable the identification of areas where additional training or support may be needed. This approach incentivises safe driving habits and recognises exemplary performance, fostering a safety-oriented culture within the organisation.

Reducing risks in truck driving requires a comprehensive approach that includes thorough training, advanced technology, effective communication, and ongoing evaluation. By implementing these measures, we can enhance safety on our roads, protect truck drivers and other road users, and contribute to a secure and efficient transportation industry.

It’s important to remember that responsibility for risk reduction lies not only with truck drivers but also with industry stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and technology providers. Together, we can make a significant impact and ensure that truck driving remains a safe and sustainable profession for all involved.

Stay safe on the roads, and let’s continue working towards a future where truck driving is synonymous with utmost safety.

Note: This article provides general suggestions for risk reduction in truck driving and should not be considered comprehensive or professional advice. Specific strategies and solutions may vary based on individual circumstances and requirements.

Want To Learn More?

If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Why invest in fleet tracking in 2023

Truck driving on road with sunset

Why Invest In Fleet Tracking In 2023

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Why GPS Fleet Tracking is Accelerating Across the UK

Inflation is on the rise in the UK, and businesses are feeling the pinch. With costs increasing across the board, companies are faced with the challenge of either passing those costs onto consumers or finding ways to save money internally. As inflation reaches a 40-year high, businesses are grappling with the impact on their sales and searching for ways to weather the storm. Amidst these challenges, one area where UK businesses are finding relief is in GPS fleet tracking.

Empowering Fleet Efficiency

Efficiency is the name of the game in the highly competitive fleet industry. Fleet managers are constantly looking for ways to cut costs, reduce wastage, and improve their bottom line. The current surge in inflation has put even more pressure on fleet managers to find solutions that can help them navigate these financial challenges.

Fleet managers have a wide range of responsibilities, including planning, directing, managing, coordinating, and overseeing various aspects of the company’s fleet and operations. With such a diverse set of tasks, it’s no wonder that fleet managers face numerous obstacles in their day-to-day work.

According to Verizon Connect’s recent Fleet Technology Trends Report 2023, fuel costs, increased overall costs, meeting customer demands, labour costs, and competitive pressure were among the top challenges identified by fleet managers in the UK. These challenges require innovative solutions to ensure the smooth operation of fleets and meet business objectives.

Enter GPS fleet management technology, which is gaining traction across the UK as a valuable tool for overcoming daily fleet challenges. The adoption rate of GPS fleet tracking technology is growing, with an average adoption rate of 71% in Europe. In the UK alone, 75% of fleets are utilizing GPS solutions to navigate through the turbulent economic period.

GPS Tracking Drives Savings

In addition to pre-cooling, other innovative ideas can further optimise cold chain logistics. For example, implementing advanced temperature monitoring systems with real-time data tracking can provide valuable insights and proactive alerts. By continuously monitoring temperature conditions during transit, logistics teams can promptly identify and address any deviations that could jeopardise the quality of the goods.

Furthermore, by utilising advanced technologies that offer improved monitoring and management capabilities throughout the entire supply chain, including the integration of temperature sensors and GPS tracking, businesses can collect detailed information on temperature conditions, location, and other important factors. This valuable data empowers businesses to make more informed decisions, optimise their route planning, and efficiently allocate resources for maximum effectiveness.

Invest In Newer Technology

Investing in new technology is crucial for improving fleet operations. GPS fleet management technology not only helps companies meet industry targets and drive efficiencies but also saves costs and reduces emissions. With an increasing number of fleet managers in the UK and Europe adopting GPS solutions and experiencing positive results, it’s clear that GPS fleet tracking is a wise investment.

As the technology continues to advance, it will shape industry standards and drive better business outcomes. To stay ahead of the competition and meet business targets, it’s essential for businesses to adopt and invest in GPS fleet management solutions. By doing so, they can maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and make a positive impact on the environment.

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Enhancing Cold Chain Logistics Efficiency

Cold storage truck being unloaded at the depot

Enhancing Cold Chain Logistics Efficiency

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Best Practices for Success

Innovating Cold Chain Logistics: Insights from Fleet Witnesses

Transporting perishable goods over long distances is a complex endeavour that requires meticulous attention to detail. The cold chain industry faces numerous challenges, such as regulatory changes and the need for continuous temperature control. In this article post, we will explore how Fleet Witness’ temperature sensors have revolutionised cold chain logistics by maintaining product integrity, streamlining operations, and improving margins. Let’s delve into some practical tips.

Pre-Cooling for Optimal Temperature

One notable approach used by industry experts involves pre-cooling refrigerated units prior to loading. This strategy ensures that goods are transported at the precise temperature required for their preservation.

By proactively setting the appropriate temperature prior to the driver picking up a load, businesses can effectively address any discrepancies between customer and shipper requirements. This level of control not only enhances customer satisfaction but also mitigates the risk of spoilage. Transporting goods in accordance with specific temperature needs ensures that product integrity is maintained throughout the journey, safeguarding quality and reducing potential financial losses.

Real-Time Monitoring and Prompt Interventions

In addition to pre-cooling, other innovative ideas can further optimise cold chain logistics. For example, implementing advanced temperature monitoring systems with real-time data tracking can provide valuable insights and proactive alerts. By continuously monitoring temperature conditions during transit, logistics teams can promptly identify and address any deviations that could jeopardise the quality of the goods.

Furthermore, by utilising advanced technologies that offer improved monitoring and management capabilities throughout the entire supply chain, including the integration of temperature sensors and GPS tracking, businesses can collect detailed information on temperature conditions, location, and other important factors. This valuable data empowers businesses to make more informed decisions, optimise their route planning, and efficiently allocate resources for maximum effectiveness.

Concluding Notes

In conclusion, it is evident that leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as temperature sensors, GPS tracking, and cloud-based platforms can greatly enhance visibility and control over the entire supply chain. This integration enables businesses to gather comprehensive data on crucial parameters like temperature conditions and location, leading to improved decision-making, optimized route planning, and efficient resource allocation. By embracing these advancements, businesses can gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market.

Interested in learning more about our temperature monitoring solutions and how we can help your business? Sign up for a free trial here!

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Five Guidelines for Fleet Managers to Succeed in 2023

Fleet manager talking to driver

Five Guidelines for Fleet Managers to Succeed in 2023

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Go beyond the basic requirements

Mastering the Art of Fleet Management

Fleet management is a multifaceted role that goes beyond the basic requirements listed in a job description. While skills like strategic vehicle purchasing and industry experience are important, it is equally crucial for fleet managers to possess the softer skills that contribute to effective day-to-day operations. In this article, we will explore five guidelines that fleet managers can follow to set themselves up for success in 2023

Develop Excellent Communication Skills

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful fleet operations. Fleet managers must communicate expectations to drivers and strategies to business owners. By ensuring that drivers understand fleet safety requirements and promoting responsible driving habits, managers can enhance overall safety. Additionally, being able to articulate initiatives and plans to senior leadership is vital for securing support and approval for new projects or investments.

Embrace New Technology

The fleet management landscape is rapidly evolving with the advent of advanced technologies. Fleet managers should embrace new tools, such as fleet management software and telematics, to optimise their operations. These technologies offer features like real-time GPS vehicle location and automated maintenance alerts, enabling managers to make data-driven decisions and improve overall efficiency. Staying up to date with the latest advancements is essential to remain competitive and maximise the financial well-being of the fleet.

Get in the Driver's Seat

Driver shortages are a pressing concern in the trucking industry. To retain drivers, fleet managers must prioritise meeting their needs and fostering a positive workplace environment. Instead of solely focusing on correcting risky behaviour, managers should recognise and reward safe driving habits. Implementing incentive programmes or safety awards can motivate drivers and foster healthy competition among team members. Recognising their hard work and contributions will boost engagement and driver retention.

Use Data Effectively

Collecting data about the fleet is only the first step; fleet managers must also leverage this data to make informed decisions. Analysing key metrics and understanding their implications for broader company goals is crucial. For instance, reducing fuel spend can be achieved by examining idling metrics. Fleet management systems can simplify data analysis by providing real-time insights and problem-solving capabilities. By using data effectively, managers can optimise operations and contribute to overall business success.

Request Feedback

To avoid tunnel vision and gain a broader perspective, fleet managers should actively seek feedback from both internal and external sources. Engaging with an in-house mentor can offer fresh insights and help identify areas for improvement. Additionally, creating forums for drivers to provide feedback and make suggestions will make them feel valued and invested in the business. Prioritising feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and strengthens relationships within the company.


As fleet management continues to evolve, it is crucial for fleet managers to develop a diverse skill set that goes beyond the basic requirements. By focusing on excellent communication skills, embracing new technology, prioritising driver satisfaction, utilising data effectively, and seeking feedback, fleet managers can position themselves for success in the new year. Adapting to industry changes, fostering a positive workplace environment, and leveraging data-driven insights will contribute to the overall efficiency and success of the fleet.

Looking for a new fleet management solution? Reach out today for a free demo or trial.


Want To Learn More?

If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, just like Verran Freight, take the first step today. Give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Daily Vehicle Checks LGV Fleets

Van Check List Top

Daily Vehicle Checks LGV Fleets

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Are daily vehicle checks for LGV fleets really necessary?

Why do I need to do them?

There is no specific legislation that demands that a business should carry out pre – journey checks on a commercial vehicle under 3500kg, so as a owner or operator of a Light Goods Vehicle (LGV) fleet should you bother?

There are several compelling benefits in incorporating this short task into your drivers daily routine;

The answer is YES!

  • Duty of Care
  • Safety
  • Performance
  • Advanced Telematics Dashboard
  • Driver Monitoring
  • View Real Time Footage
  • Vehicle Maintenance and MOT Scheduling
  • Detailed Journey Reports
  • Geofencing Capabilities
  • Ongoing Customer service and Support


Duty of Care

Although as we stated at the top of this article there is no actual specific legislative requirement to carry out daily vehicle checks on your LGV fleet – the employer does have a Duty of Care to ensure that all vehicles that are used for work purposes are safe and compliant.


Data from the DfT reveals that 3894 road traffic accidents between 2013 -2018 were caused by faulty brakes alone. The cumulative cost of an incident involving a vehicle being driven for work can be enormous, not merely the insurance premium increase, but the knock on costs of – driver injury, HSE involvement, fines, reputational effect, the list goes on.

A quick and easy check list undertaken daily can identify issues before they become a safety concern and can, where correctly undertaken and recorded, prove that correct process was undertaken thereby reducing the onus on the fleet operator


Daily vehicle Checks allow you to identify vehicle problems before the vehicle breaks down and must be taken off the road.

Breakdowns and unscheduled repair work has a damaging impact on service performance across your mobile fleet, a preventative approach to maintenance not only reduces risk for the driver and the operator but also reduces costs by attending faults before they become extensive repairs.

For instance, identifying a dashboard warning light – which if not reported and of course acted upon can have expensive consequences – often an issue with multi driver vehicles.

At Fleet Witness we understand that the collection and storage of the daily vehicle checks can be onerous for the fleet operator, so we have included in our software a specific function that will collect and collate the daily vehicle checks enabling the fleet manager to identify and act upon the necessary issues in a simple and timely manner, and then schedule the required maintenance so avoiding unexpected breakdowns.

Call us for more information on 0203 897 3600

Digital Tachographs – Downloads and Analysis

Fleet Witness Tacho Downloads

Digital Tachographs-
Downloads and Analysis

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Effortlessly track and analyze your journey with Digital Tachographs

The Back Story.

All commercial vehicles first registered on or after 1st May 2006 that come within EU, GB or AETR rules must be fitted with a digital tachograph.

You can find all the rules and regulations here –

Tachographs: rules for drivers and operators: Overview – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Tachographs record information about driving time, speed and distance and are used to ensure that both drivers and employers follow the rules on driver’s hours.

So a digital tacho download and analysis solution provides fleet operators with a quick and painless way of meeting their Driver Hours compliance requirements without a drain on resources.

Fleet Witness’ automated tacho download and analysis offering eliminates the need to manually download driver and vehicle data, not only saving time but also ensuring that you don’t risk missing any crucial infractions .

What are Digital Tachographs?

A Digital Tachograph is a radio-sized device that digitally records driver hours and speeds.

Driver and operator ‘Smart cards’ store the data digitally

Thereafter an operator, can then remotely download the data easily and quickly. Storing and analysing  digitally, in line with regulation and without the time consuming manual recording and analysis. 

How are DTD a benefit to fleet operators

The collected data is mandatory to store and analyse, ensuring compliance;

Other key benefits include:

Reduce administrative burden of tachograph paperwork

Ensure Compliance with EU, GB & AETR regulation

Reduce stress associated with inspections

Making informed decisions on job allocations (who has weekly hours left etc)

How DTD streamlines data collection

Digital Tachograph Data is all remotely downloaded in real-time, so no need for either a driver or a vehicle to attend at site.

Fleet Witness offers you a fully managed service that retrieves your stored data for recording and analysis. Thereafter the system generates scheduled reports directly to your inbox.


Fleet Witness can help with DTD

Our system offers a high level of flexibility in the form of configurable downloads, alerts and reports. Enabling you to specify the frequency, design and content of your reporting.

Our ethos is to concentrate on driving business performance. By focussing on  helping to improve your fleet operations and solve your fleet problems, we make sure that the solution always fits your need.

For instance, our system integrates with all of the main hardware and software providers so you don’t need to change the system that you are already using.

Interested in learning more about Digital Tachograph Data, and how Fleet Witness’ automated tacho download and analysis can help simplify and automate driver and vehicle data? Get in touch with one of our team today for a chat about your requirements.


Interested in learning more?

Give us a shout in the office and ask for more information – or call us on 0203 897 3600


Fleet Witness Live – The Best Solution for Tracking & Video Telematics

Fleet Witness Live

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The Best Solution for Tracking & Video Telematics

Here at Fleet Witness, not only do we supply fleet vehicles with blind spot cameras and tacho downloads, we also have our own tracking video telematics platform. Fleet Witness Live provides fleet operators with the information they need to successfully manage their vehicles. This helps to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, and protect drivers. 

Using the data that is collected, you are able to establish the cause of a traffic collision or both monitor and improve driver behaviour. Fleet Witness Live is the unrivalled solution for tracking & video telematics with remote access to tracking, ongoing support and a fully tailored package, 

The user interface allows you to adjust the layout to exactly how you would like it. You can even customise Fleet Witness Live by changing icons and columns to match each of your vehicles.

What is included in Fleet Witness Live?

Live Fleet Tracking

A live map displaying the location of all your vehicles updates every few seconds, allowing you to see exactly where your fleet is at any given time.

Real-Time Camera Feeds

Connect up to 8 cameras per vehicle, as well as access live video on demand. 

Pinpoint specific locations on the map to easily find footage that you may need to review. There’s even an option to download the footage to your device in the event you would like to review it at a later date. File formats are also incredibly user-friendly and can be viewed on almost any media player.

Detailed Journey Reports

Fleet Witness Live has a clean, user-friendly interface which helps to provide accurate tracking data ideal for refining transport processes. Specific points within a route can be easily selected to obtain bespoke statistics, including vehicle speed and location. With the added functionality to view vehicle footage live, users are able to monitor feeds in the moment, whilst having the ability to assess previous footage.

Not only can you readily receive detailed data, but you are also able to access information on driver behaviour, such as acceleration. 


Track movement of your vehicles after plotting your own virtual geographic boundaries. Create detailed reports of when your fleet enters a specified zone, how long it spends in that area, and when it leaves. You can also set up email alerts for when your vehicles enter your chosen geographical boundaries.

Flexible Reporting

Fleet Witness Live has a report builder which can be manually run or scheduled at different times on certain days. Select as many data points as you need to create a report that is tailored to each vehicle or driver. Some of the data points to choose from include mileage, expenses and site visits. If you have a specific requirement, we can create the report and configure it to your specification.

Why Choose Fleet Witness Live?

If not for our reputation and high-quality services, our hardware and software offers an all-inclusive solution that truly sets us apart from our competitors. These include features such as:

  • True idling reports
  • Fuel theft detection reports
  • CCTV camera solution for fuel security
  • Driver behaviour reports
  • Journey cost reports
  • MPG monitoring
  • Tacho download and analysis

Fleet Witness Live allows you to maintain your historical data while presenting it in a clean user-friendly way. Utilise our range of tracking and on-board video solutions by customising them to your requirements. 

Get in touch with us today to learn more about Fleet Witness Live