UK Road Fatalities

UK Road Fatalities

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In 2022, the UK witnessed a concerning rise in road fatalities, with 1,711 people losing their lives—a 10% increase from the previous year. Notably, 303 fatalities were attributed to speeding, marking a 20% surge compared to the prior year. Additionally, 28,031 individuals suffered serious injuries due to road accidents, reflecting an 8% uptick.

These figures serve as a stark reminder of the hazards associated with road travel, a fact often overlooked as we go about our daily routines.

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Let’s talk about speed

Focusing on the theme “Let’s talk about speed,” the campaign addresses speed as one of the primary causes of road accidents, emphasising that five people die daily on roads due to this behaviour. While the initiative targets all drivers, Fleet Witness, with its commitment to safety in transport and operations, actively seeks ways to improve road safety.

Safety holds a central position among Fleet Witness’s core principles, aligning with efficiency and sustainability. The company’s technology, tailored for commercial fleets, prioritises the safety of individuals both within and outside the vehicles.


Fleet Witness’s Platform detects aggressive driving, speeding, and harsh braking, providing valuable feedback for managerial coaching and intervention in case of incidents.

This technology serves as a safety lifeline, fostering constant communication between drivers and managers. Beyond technology, customers leverage these systems for driver coaching programs, fostering a culture of safe driving.

Transformative Impact

One UK logistics business, having embraced Fleet Witness’s technology, reports significant improvements in driver safety and service quality. Real-time data and safety scoring have been instrumental in enhancing driving habits and contributing to safer roads.

The Fatal 5

However, the ultimate responsibility for road safety lies with the individual behind the wheel. Choices regarding speeding, mobile phone usage, or aggressive driving are conscious decisions, encapsulated in the ‘Fatal 5.’ Those who disregard these choices not only break the law but also engage in selfish acts.

The “Fatal 5” represents the five key behaviours identified as major contributors to serious injuries and fatalities on the roads. These behaviours, if avoided, could significantly reduce the number of accidents and save lives. Let’s break down each element of the “Fatal 5” and explore why they are critical focal points for road safety campaigns:

Careless driving behaviours, such as tailgating and road rage, contribute to an unsafe driving environment. Fleet Witness’s Platform identifies aggressive driving patterns, allowing for intervention through coaching programs. By addressing careless driving, companies can create a safer atmosphere for both their drivers and other road users.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs cognitive function and decision-making abilities. This can result in poor judgment, slower reaction times, and an increased likelihood of making critical errors while driving.

Beyond the immediate safety concerns, driving under the influence carries serious legal repercussions. Offenders may face fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

Failing to wear seatbelts significantly increases the likelihood of sustaining severe injuries or fatalities in a collision. Fleet Witness’s onboard dashcams can record drivers who neglect this basic safety measure, reinforcing the importance of seatbelt usage.

Distracted driving, often due to mobile phone use, is a pervasive issue. Engaging with a phone while driving diverts attention from the road and increases the risk of accidents.

Speeding is a leading cause of accidents and amplifies the severity of collisions. Excessive speed reduces the driver’s reaction time and increases the force of impact, making accidents more likely to result in severe injuries or fatalities. The Road Safety Week campaign, with its theme “Let’s talk about speed,” underscores the urgency of addressing this dangerous behaviour.

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Tracking 5 Essential Metrics for Fleet Managers

Tracking 5 Essential Metrics for Fleet Managers

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Juggling loads of data on drivers and assets is pretty much the daily grind for fleet managers. The trick to acing the fleet management game lies in how you make sense of all that info. But let’s be honest—it’s no cakewalk figuring out which data really matters.

Not to worry, though. We’ve got your back. We’ve lined up five crucial fleet metrics you should keep an eye on, making your life a whole lot simpler.

Maintenance and Repairs

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PM On-Time Completion Rate:
Ensuring preventive maintenance (PM) is completed on time is key to extending asset lifespan and minimising costly repairs.

How to Track:
Utilise fleet maintenance software to implement and monitor PM schedules. Track entry and exit times of vehicles in the shop, emphasising timely service.

For Fleet Witness Users:
Check the maintenance History in the left sidebar navigation under ‘Records’ for detailed PM on-time completion rates.

Inspection Completion Rate

Regular completion of Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) is crucial for compliance and provides insights into asset health.

How to Track:
Establish a system for collecting daily inspection reports, either physically or digitally, and calculate the percentage of completed inspections.

For Fleet Witness Users:
Check the ‘Checklist’ History in the left sidebar navigation under ‘Records’.

Vehicle Performance and Utilisation

Downtime vs. Uptime:

Monitoring downtime and uptime provides insights into the effectiveness of maintenance, helping assess ROI on assets.

How to Track:
Record instances when a vehicle is out of service and compare against total potential working hours.

For Fleet Witness Users:
Navigate to the ‘Utilisation’ panel within the ‘Records’ section by selecting ‘Reports’ and then choosing ‘Utilisation.’

Fleet Operational Costs

Total Cost of Ownership:

A comprehensive analysis offering insights into all fleet expenses, aiding in informed decision-making.

How to Track:
Calculate vehicle maintenance, driver costs, licensing,  administration costs, fuel idling and usage leveraging fleet management software.

For Fleet Witness Users:
Utilise the Total Costs Trends report under ‘Records’ in the Reports dashboard for a comprehensive analysis.

Cost per Mile:
Evaluating the costs associated with operating vehicles provides a key performance indicator for efficiency.

How to Track:
Divide total expenses by total miles covered to calculate Cost per Mile (CPM), offering insights into the efficiency of fleet operations.

Driver Behaviour and Monitoring

Telematics Data:

Telematics provides valuable visibility into fleet health, aiding in proactive monitoring of driver behaviour and asset health.
How to Track:
Utilise telematics devices to monitor diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) and engine fault alerts, integrating data into fleet management software for comprehensive visibility.

For Fleet Witness Users:
View ‘Vehicle Diagnostic Trouble Codes’ report under ‘Records’ in the Reports dashboard for insights from connected telematics devices.

Average Miles per Driver:
While focusing on assets, tracking drivers’ behaviour ensures safety and productivity, contributing to effective fleet management.

How to Track:
Assign vehicles to drivers, integrating systems like telematics and fuel cards to monitor driver location, habits, and spending.

How to track Average Miles Per Driver:

If you have a system for tracking your drivers’ time on the road, use that to compare against their assigned vehicle’s mileage. Compile that data into reports on durations, mileages, and utilisation to manage and improve driver assignments.

Want To Learn More?

If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Is Now the Right Time to Electrify Your Business Fleet? Maybe Not.

Is Now the Right Time to Electrify Your Business Fleet? Maybe Not.

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In recent times, there’s been a global drive towards sustainability and cutting down on carbon emissions. Governments around the world have been encouraging businesses to make the switch to zero-emission vehicles. However, recent decisions, such as Rishi Sunak’s move to extend the deadline for transitioning to zero-emission cars and vans to 2035, bring into question whether now is the best time for businesses to make the leap into electrifying their fleets.

Infrastructure Challenges

One of the key hurdles for businesses contemplating the shift to electric vehicles is the insufficient charging infrastructure. While progress has been made, many areas still lack the necessary charging stations to support a large-scale transition to electric fleets. Relying on a limited charging network can result in operational setbacks and increased downtime, impacting overall productivity.

Technological Advancements

The electric vehicle market is evolving rapidly, with ongoing developments in battery technology and vehicle efficiency. Holding off for a few more years allows businesses to take advantage of more mature and advanced electric vehicle models. Delaying the transition offers an opportunity to adopt cutting-edge technologies that may not be available in the current market.

High Initial Costs

The upfront cost of electric vehicles (EVs) remains a significant obstacle for many businesses. While the overall cost of ownership throughout the vehicle’s lifespan may be lower due to reduced fuel and maintenance expenses, the initial investment required can be a deterrent. Waiting for prices to decrease as technology improves and economies of scale come into play could lead to a more cost-effective transition.

Limited Model Options

The current electric vehicle market provides a limited selection of models compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles. Businesses may find it difficult to replace specific types of vehicles in their fleet with electric alternatives. By postponing the transition, companies can benefit from a broader range of electric vehicle options, ensuring a better fit for their specific operational needs.

Concerns About Battery Technology

The longevity and environmental impact of batteries continue to be concerns for many businesses. As the industry continues to research and develop more sustainable and efficient battery technologies, waiting a few more years before electrifying the fleet may result in access to greener and more reliable energy storage solutions.

Final Thoughts

While the drive towards zero-emission vehicles is commendable, deciding to electrify a business fleet is a complex and multifaceted process. Rishi Sunak’s decision to extend the deadline for transitioning to zero-emission cars and vans to 2035 gives businesses an opportunity to carefully consider the current challenges and advantages. Waiting for improvements in charging infrastructure, technological advancements, cost reductions, increased model options, and more sustainable battery technologies may ultimately lead to a smoother and more cost-effective transition. Businesses aiming to balance environmental responsibility with practical operational considerations should weigh these factors carefully.

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If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.

Time for a Fleet Management Platform Makeover

Time for a Fleet Management Platform Makeover

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5 Reasons to Re-evaluate Your Provider

Fleet management is a dynamic field where efficiency and safety are paramount. Fleet managers are central to ensuring that an organisation’s vehicles run smoothly and cost-effectively. The choice of a fleet management platform provider is pivotal in achieving these goals. As the industry evolves and requirements change, it becomes essential to re-evaluate your current provider to ensure that your fleet has the right tools and technology. In this article, we’ll explore five key reasons why it’s time for fleet managers to reconsider their current fleet management platform provider.

Outdated Technology

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, having outdated software and hardware can put your fleet at a significant disadvantage. If your current fleet management platform lacks the latest features like real-time tracking, predictive maintenance, and driver behavior monitoring, it’s high time to consider an upgrade. Outdated systems can lead to inefficiencies, increased downtime, and higher operational costs. Switching to a provider with cutting-edge technology can boost your fleet’s performance and give you a competitive edge.

Poor User Experience

Efficient fleet management relies on a user-friendly interface. If your current platform is clunky and difficult to use, it can lead to frustration and errors, potentially compromising safety and productivity. Re-evaluating your provider to find a more intuitive and accessible platform can save valuable time and reduce the risk of mistakes. A great user experience leads to better platform adoption within your organisation and improved overall efficiency.

Inadequate Support and Training

Effective fleet management depends not only on the technology but also on the support and training provided by your platform provider. If your current provider falls short in this regard, it’s time to explore other options. Comprehensive support and training ensure that your team fully leverages the platform’s capabilities, minimising downtime and maximising your return on investment. Look for a provider that offers great customer support, training resources, and regular updates to keep your fleet up to date.

Lack of Scalability

Your fleet will likely grow over time, and your fleet management platform should grow with it. If your current provider can’t scale with your business or adapt to industry changes, it’s time to consider a more flexible solution. Scalability is crucial to accommodate additional vehicles, new features, and customisations tailored to your specific needs. A provider that can evolve with your business ensures that your fleet management remains efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

Data Security and Compliance

In today’s business environment, data security and compliance are non-negotiable. If your current fleet management platform provider falls short in protecting your sensitive data and ensuring compliance with industry regulations, it’s a major concern. Transitioning to a provider that prioritises data security and compliance not only protects your business but also builds trust with customers and partners. Look for platforms with robust encryption, authentication, and audit trail capabilities.

Final Thoughts

Fleet managers must continually assess their fleet management platform provider to ensure it aligns with the evolving needs of their operations. Outdated technology, a poor user experience, inadequate support, limited scalability, and concerns regarding data security and compliance are valid reasons to reevaluate your current provider.

Making the switch to a new fleet management platform provider is a significant decision that can lead to improved efficiency, safety, and cost savings in the long run. Take the time to evaluate your options, consider your specific needs, and choose a provider that can deliver the technology and support necessary to keep your fleet running smoothly and competitively. In the fast-paced world of fleet management, staying one step ahead is essential for success.

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Want To Learn More?

If you aspire to enhance your fleet operations, give us a call or drop us an email, and together we can explore how our solutions can transform your business. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to optimise your fleet’s performance and maximise your success.

Contact us now and unlock a new era of efficiency and profitability for your company.